Suing Over STDs is Doubly Irresponsible

When you hang out with a nasty trashbag like Charlie Sheen AND you yourself are no better living as a porn star….you’re own choices put you at risk.

NO, people should not be able to sue someone whether they are aware or not that they have STDs.

When does responsibility come into play?  Like, hey, having a serious STD can get funky, maybe I shouldn’t be so hard up to fuck to nasty trashbag of Hollywood, he likely has something.

Or, hey, having a serious STD can get funky, maybe I should not have unprotected sex…maybe I should do things to minimize my own risk instead of blaming others for putting me in harms way.TWO-HALF-MEN_0





Just my oponion.


We Are Being Provoked Into a War With a Ghost


Ok, there’s been yet another terrorist attack.  And our primal reaction is to seek vengeance and get them to never do it again.  So, let’s get militarized, let’s put on our riot gear, let’s bust out billion dollar tanks and go get the bastards.

I think we are being provoked into a war with a ghost.  And that is exactly how the terrorists want us to react.

This is the life terrorists want us to live, we have the power choose otherwise.

But what if we react differently?  What if our leaders took us down a path of love instead of vengeance?  What if we collectively said a prayer for the lost souls of the terrorists and sang a song instead?  I’m no hippy dippy, but remembering what happened after September 11th WAS. NOT. THE. WAY. TO. GO!

Our knee jerk reaction was to invade a country we had no business invading.  BILLIONS OF DOLLARS were spent and THOUSANDS OF LIVES were sacrificed in the name of our primitive reaction.

We are more civilized than ever before in history.  There’s so much other stuff going on in this world that is good, why must we pay so much attention to the few bad guys.

Terrorism will always be around.  I suggest we embrace it with love rather than militarization.

Just my oponion.

No, No One is Cop Bashing

For the first time in history, the cops aren’t getting the high praise and accolades they’re used to getting.  And many are having internal seizures because of it.

Matt Rourke/AP

Philadelphia Police Commissioner said “I get a little sick and tired of all this cop-bashing.   I haven’t heard anybody talk about the criminal element that’s … causing all the harm out here. When you go and put a burglar alarm on your house and you apply to get a permit to carry, is it to protect yourself from the cops or from T-Bone and Boo Boo down the street?”

Let me bash this statement…It’s not cop bashing, it’s cop-critiquing. Because of cameras, it’s the first time in history in which bad cops can be held accountable for their violent behavior. The blue wall protecting all cops no matter what is no different than the Catholic church covering up their bad pedophile priests. All we are saying is that you can do better. We will not allow you to continue with the wretched status quo. Cops enforce the law, but they are not above it. The cameras only reveal that you’re a C- student, not the faux A+ student you pretended to be for so many decades. Buck up and correct it. And don’t you dare body-slam or shoot T-Bone or BooBoo! 

The criminal element we are talking about is the use of unwarranted excessive for by authoritative figures. Too many bad cops have literally gotten away with murder. No Ramsey, when a cop murders someone it is still a crime.

Fox News asks “Is there an epidemic of violence against police in America?

When I hear someone counter Black Lives Matter with Blue Lives Matter I shake my head.  I’ve gone so far to say that only racists completely miss the point with the BLM campaign.  Yes, indeed ALL LIVES MATTER.  But the point of the BLM message is that the numbers show that blacks are targeted by police and in too many instances then face unwarranted violence.

Some racists, go so far to call the BLM movement a HATE GROUP!  A fucking hate group!!!!!!!!!  THIS BLOWS MY MIND!

Throughout history, white people have been the largest most offensive hate group collectively.  It’s hard to admit, but it is true.  The U.S. shamelessly falls way behind even European countries on this aspect.  Way to get some skinny blond calling blacks who only want unwarranted violence against them to cease, a fucking hate group!  One day, whites will be the minority in this country.  Being that we now live in a global society, we are very very far from being a majority.  I hope people of color can be more forgiving than white people have been throughout history.

  • 1st the U.S. is the champ with the largest number of prisoners(over 2M) in the world, yet we account for only 5% of the world’s population.
  • 1 in every 31 adults is under some form of correctional control.  That’s about the average class size in school.
  • 1 in 6 blacks are incarcerated, if this trend continues, soon it will be 1 in 3!
  • Of the 2.3 million prisoners, 1 million are black!!!!!
  • Blacks are incarcerated 6x the rate of whites.  YET, make up barely 12% of the population. Hmmmm.
  • Five times as many whites report using illicit drugs, YET blacks are sent to prison TEN times as much!
  • Blacks serve nearly the same amount of time on a drug offense as a white does for a violent offense.  huh?!
  • About $70 BILLION are spent on prisons every year.  $70 BILLION!!!!!!!!!!!
  • That figure above is only prisons, it does not include money for law enforcement or the judicial processes.  Which I would think would easily add up to a half a trillion dollars.  That’s my best uneducated guess.
  • On average 64 police officers are murdered in the line of dute every year, that’s less than 1% of the total number of officers.

I take a step back to Nancy Reagan and just say NO to her push for a war on drugs.  NO, I don’t want tax money going to prison or war, I want it going to schools, elderly and infrastructure!!!!!  Holy Bananas! This is not what Abraham Lincoln was trying to do when slavery ended.  It may sound like 1865 was a long time ago and racists will tell you that racism no longer exists, but we’ve got a long way to go yet before our founding fathers words about all men being equal in the pursuit of happiness comes into fruition.

There is no war on police.  There has been war against people of color since Europe took over this land.

Without cops we’d all have a much scarier lifestyle. Without cops, days like 9/11, would be more chaotic than it was. The policing culture needs reform, it may take time.  But to address the need for reform IS NOT COP BASHING.

Just my oponion.

NCAA Quickly Realizes They’re Assholes – Does About Face

USATSI_8852402_bknun28e_6djqdiozThis 20 year old slave, I mean football player for Louisiana State University under master, I mean, rule of the NCAA made history this past weekend.  Not only did he have a great game against the University South Carolina, he literally offered the shirt off his back to help flood victims in South Carolina from the recent storm system Jaoquin.151004170102-05-south-carolina-flooding-super-169

After the game, this big hearted gentle giant said he would auction off his jersey to the highest bidder and donate the proceeds to flood victims, because he knows the feeling oh too well from being a flood victim himself as a New Orleans resident.  Any human being’s heart would flood and admiration for this young man’s thoughts and actions would skyrocket and motivate.

But his master, I mean, the NCAA was not so motivated.  They instantly warned Fournette that he would be in violation of NCAA rules that slaves, I mean, players cannot make any financial gain on their plantation, I mean, within their non-profit educational organization.

YET…the NCAA already sells Fournette’s jersey, or rather, an LSU jersey with his number on it without his name on the back for $90 if not more!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The NCAA literally makes BILLIONS and they wouldn’t let this poor young man to take the shirt off his back to benefit those who lost so much from the floods.  SHAME!  Never once does it strike anyone in the NCAA to take a fraction of 1% of their earnings to help those during these type of situations, never once!!!  The NCAA is heavily involved in South Carolina, wouldn’t it be in their interest, as a non-profit, to help those who live within their plantation who are in need???

So, then twitter blew the F up!

Then and only then, did the NCAA realize what assholes they are came back and said they gave their slave, I mean aspiring student-athlete permission to auction off his jersey with his own blood and sweat.

Leonard Fournette = Poor But Winning

And this is only DI, not DII or DIII !!!!!

NCAA = Assholes NCAAb

The amount of money the NCAA slave masters rake in as an un-patriotic tax cheating non-profit is beyond ridiculous and I’m really not sure why they aren’t investigated much like FIFA with their corruption scandal.  If the FBI, dug even just a little bit, I would bet that they would find some criminal activity definitely going on.  Most non-profits must be transparent and report their revenues/expenses, but if you look at the NCAA’s annual report it is practically shit thrown at a fan.

Your move FBI – your move.  Keep it up Mr. Fournette, job well done sir.

Just my oponion.

Just Say Yaaaaass! Eat That Nancy Reagan, the War On Drugs is OVER!!!

Across the country, six THOUSAND Non-Violent Drug Offenders to be Released from Federal Prisons!  This is a historic moment in the police state we’ve been living in since Reagan started the War On Drugs.Prison

This is true leadership at work.  Over this past summer Obama made speeches about how prison reform will be a top priority of his last months in office.  Here we are barely in October and a long overdue first BIG step has been made.

Even Pope Francis visited a Philadelphia prison during his visit in September and said “It is painful when we see prison systems which are not concerned to care for wounds, to soothe pain, to offer new possibilities. It is painful when we see people who think that only others need to be cleansed, purified, and do not recognize that their weariness, pain and wounds are also the weariness, pain and wounds of society.”

Then BOOM!  Logic and compassion prevails!!!  Currently, the U.S. is champ, maintaining 25% of the world’s prison population(that’s 2,193,798 of nearly 6.3 million)! I believe within the next ten years+ the the U.S. will drop and become more more in line with the prison population rates of other developed countries.  Currently in the U.S. 724 people are in prison for every 100,000 people.

To put this in this perspective…China has a population of 1.3 BILLION people vs the 318 measly million in the U.S.!  Check it…there are over 160 cities in China that have over 1 million people, while the U.S. has 10. 10!  YET, somehow…the U.S. has well more than a half a million more prisoners than China.  Say, huh?! Now tell me that we haven’t been living in a police state!  prison-population-by-offense scree

Yeah, people around the world watch our movies and we believe our politicians propaganda about how we live in the greatest country and it’s all Leave It to Beaver and shit.  But let’s be real.  We’re practically censored as much as Cuba. We’re more racist than South Africa. We’re ok with putting children and oppressed people in jail, while rich white men who nearly broke our economy get to continue to hang out on their yachts.  We have some dirty ass cities with bridges collapsing.  We still pretend like mental health is an issue that our society doesn’t need to address as a whole.  Our educational system is literally a joke, while money is spent on soldiers that never get to exercise their brain academically.  Many states spend more on their prison system than they do on higher education!  And the minority of pro-lifers sneakily establish laws making is difficult for a woman to receive safe/accessible reproductive healthcare, while, making is easy to kill someone with a gun.  And we spread violence around the globe by allowing big gun manufacturers to promote war/violence in unstable countries and beyond.  There’s a million other hypocritical issues that speak against how ‘Murica is so great.

But a great thing is happening.  The War on Drugs has ended.  Let’s rejoice and smoke a joint and celebrate with these non-violent drug offenders finally getting released from a prison they didn’t belong in.  Thanks Obama.  Thanks Pope Francis.  Your work is great.  In this subject, the U.S. isn’t great, we’re the world’s

Just my oponion.

Mother Jumps Out of Car – Leaves 9 y/o Son to Drive

I can’t.  I just can’t.  Who does this?

Being afraid of spiders is a thing. But to think it is ok to freak out to the extreme is for lack of a better word…show-offy?  You know that girl in grade school that over acted just to get the extra attention?  Well, this girl apparently carried it into her adulthood as a mother.

The story is, this mother and her 9 year old son are driving down the road.  The son is sitting in the back seat.  A spider dropped down onto the mother’s shoulder.  The mother  immediately opened her door and jumped out of the moving vehicle.  Her quick thinking son had to jump from the back seat up to the driver seat to attempt to hit the brakes.  He hit the gas pedal instead and crashed first, into a pole and then into an empty school bus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Yes, he got injured, she did not.spider+bus+crash

Not only should this woman get charged with reckless driving, but the child welfare people should also get involved.  This woman should not have a driver’s license and maybe shouldn’t have custody of any children.

Lessons learned:

  1. Maybe taking a driver’s test should include some random distractions.
  2. Children should learn how to steer and stop a vehicle.
  3. Never react to the girl in grade school who always looks for attention.

Here’s an actual video of yet another lady randomly jumping out of a moving vehicle.  But what makes this funny is that she walks off as if she’s been a pedestrian the whole time.

Driver’s licensing tests need to be updated to see if people can actually handle driving a 2 ton vehicle/weapon in any circumstance.

Just my oponion.

Presidential Prediction – You Heard It Here First

In just over 1 year we will be voting for our new president.  Obama has been such a good caretaker bringing us out of the terrible Bush years, I was nervous.  But now that I see the contenders, there’s a glimmer of hope.

The Republican party is still trying Politics_Palin_316_480x360to recover from it’s Tea Party days.  The circus that has been dominating our news coverage over the last number of weeks is the GOP’s way of reestablishing the appearance that the party is on solid ground, that their one time darling, Palin, liquefied.  The fact that they are using Trump to gain attention shows me, the ground is still mushy.

Prediction 1: I fully believe Trump was hired by the Koch brothers to grab media attention away from Hillary and that he has zero intention of becoming president.  He will pull out by the end of summer 2016, if not by the time of the primaries.

Currently, Trump is ahead in the Trump_Carson_Fiorina_outsidersstupid polls that for the most part, are meaningless.  The black surgeon, Ben Carson and white female Carly Fiorina have picked up and are not far behind Trump.  The other contenders are far behind.

Prediction 2: Since the black man and woman stand a chance of being nominated, I predict the Koch brothers have picked their biggest loser.  Kind of like the last election against Obama.  The Republicans really weren’t running against Obama, they were well aware that he’d be reelected.  So they sent their biggest loser Mitt Romney, the most democrat republican on their ticket.  BTW, we can all thank Romney for Obamacare, since his state set the precedent.

Prediction 3: I think we all can predict PHILADELPHIA, PA - NOVEMBER 21:  Hillary Clinton attends the 2013 Greenbuild Conference November 21, 2013 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.  (Photo by Bill McCay/WireImage)that Hillary Clinton’s campaign’s demise will be because of her email scandal, among other things.  And I wouldn’t put it passed her to run again in 4 years…but I predict this will be the end of her trying to be president.

Prediction 4: FEEL THE BERN!  I predict Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren will be the democratic ticket to win it all.   Cue: Hope and excitement, to continue the legacy of Obama.CMHyLO7WUAAE2DI

Bush had such a terrible presidency, I’m koch-brothers-2_thumbstill shocked the country voted him in for a 2nd term.  And the Republicans are still trying to bring their KKK & Faux-Christian extremist values into modern times. To which the democrats are thriving by speaking to the masses rather than the Koch brothers.

You heard it here first.  Pretty soon, we’ll be saying Thanks Obama and Thanks Sanders.sgLBh

Just my predictionion.

September 11, 2001 – Where Were You?

September 11th is one of those moments in which we all remember exactly where we were and what we were doing, no matter how much time passes.

Having our annual remembrance adds a heavy weight to my heart.  But what lightens it some is to hear those stories of everyone’s frozen moment.


Like, I read how a window washing and five other guys were riding up an elevator when the plane hit the 2nd tower and their elevator started to fall.  Someone quickly hit the emergency stop button and they could smell smoke.  They pried open the elevator doors only to see a wall of drywall.  One guy had a pocket knife and they all took turns slicing and cutting, until one guy dropped the knife and if freakin fell through the slit between the elevator and the wall.  OMG! I can’t imagine.  So the window washer had a squigee and they used that to get through the 4 layers of drywall to push against tile and end up escaping out underneath a sink in a men’s bathroom.  This squigee is now a historical piece of evidence of the day that changed this country as we know it.

I, myself, was in college.  I am a Jersey girl and went to a small state school less than 20min from downtown Manhattan.  I was in my dorm room and my boyfriend at the time woke me up.  He had been up and listening to Hot 97.1, the best hiphop station likely in the country.  I say that, because when they weren’t playing music they would be doing the typical morning routine as most radio stations.  But this morning they were serious.  My boyfriend woke me up saying, listen, I think something is going on, they said a plane crashed into one of the twin towers or something.  So I got up, heard the seriousness of the DJ on the radio and turned on the TV and saw what everyone else was watching and my heart sank, but the seriousness didn’t kick in.  That was until the 2nd plane hit and then the Pentagon.  When the Pentagon got hit, I said oh my God, we’re under attack.  Although, I am a child of the Desert Storm and Iraq war, we never saw war.  And for the first time, war was 20 minutes away and shit got real.

The school cancelled classes and my boyfriend and I drove up to West Orange, NJ to this beautiful overlook.  It’s up on a hill and you can look for miles and miles eastward and see the entire skyline of New York City. 58520471 Many people were already there and spoke in a hush as if we were in church.   We new this was a historical moment.  People were taking pictures of the plume of smoke that blew from the north to south.  It was surreal and dreamlike.  I can’t really remember what we did after that, we likely went an smoked some weed to chill and contemplate on the end of the life as we knew it.

Thinking back to this time, also makes me wish I never dated that guy and he is forever going to get brought up as we relive these events every year because we’re never going to forget.  Why that phrase/hashtag #neverforget exists is beyond me.  Like we’d ever forget. 977625_1280x720

May our hearts feel lighter with every year that passes.

Just my story/oponion.

Kim Davis – Have You Read The Bible?

Lessons of the Bible – Christian Extremists Choose the Verses They Like & Ignore the Ones They Don’t

Just my oponion.