Lipstick Inspired by Disney Princesses – NO!!!

Get ’em while their young, right?  Disney pairs up with LA Splash to create a line of lipsticks inspired by Disney princesses.  Wait?! What??!!disney

Fuck you LA Splash Cosmetics and Fuck You Disney!

How can we find a way for a company to not make money on women having to put chemicals on themselves to feel pretty?  makeup

Since the dawn of makeup, the messaging has been clear…naturally you’re not good enough.

I’m no hippy dippy, I think little eye makeup to enhance the eyes and little lipstick to send the men sexual cues. Yes, it’s been shown that a woman’s lips will redden when she is sexually aroused, to make women look sexually aroused all the time, there’s lipstick. But to use Disney characters, who already display an impossible level of perfection between body, face and hair, to promote using lipstick to little girls is fucked up man!

Damn the makeup industry.prost

And to think, when makeup became popularized, only women who wore makeup were prostitutes.  And to be seen with a little blush or lipstick, was considered slutty. Oh, how times of changed to which we now want to put wearing makeup in little girls heads is ok.  How about, let’s set the little girls up with confidence in their own looks before we tell them their natural looks aren’t pretty enough???

MackenzieI hope a campaign against makeup companies start and all the prettiest models start a trend of NOT wearing makeup.

Natural beauty is where it’s at.  And remember young fellas, when you start dating a new girl, make sure you take her swimming, before you take her home.makeup2

Just my oponion.

One thought on “Lipstick Inspired by Disney Princesses – NO!!!

  1. I didn’t start wearing makeup until I was nearly 30 and I mostly just put on some eyeliner and mascara so that way my eyes don’t get completely hidden behind my glasses. I really hate the idea of makeup being marked towards younger girls and that parents thinking that is okay. Thankfully there seems to be a trend of some models posting photos of themselves without makeup on.


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